Psiloc Irremote

Psiloc irRemote turns your phone into a universal remote control. IrRemote allows to operate audio and video equipment using one device - Symbian operated smartphone with infrared port. It's simple and intuitive. Just select the device from the list and control it using your phone's keypad.

Psiloc ir remote

Psiloc irRemote (S60 3rd Edition) description. IrRemote turns your phone into a universal remote control. The main feature of Psiloc irRemote is ability to remotely control audio and video equipment using your Smartphone. The database of compatible codes is continually being evolved by end users who can test and rate all the codes. ورزن جدید کنترل تلویزیون هم کرک شد Psiloc irRemote v1.03 BiNPDA يكي از پر استفاده ترين برنامه ها ي كاربران مي باشد و فكر نكنم نياز به توضيح داشته باشه در واقع همه با اين برنامه آشنايي دارن.

Psiloc irRemote نرم افزاری جالب می باشد که به کمک آن می توانید از موبایل خود بجای ریموت وسایل استفاده کنید و به این صورت کنترل وسایل را به دست گیرید. Psiloc IRremote All, It appears Psiloc have finally reached the stage of releasing the 3rd Edition version of this popular remote control application to the public.

Psiloc irRemote turns your phone into a universal remote control. irRemote allows to operate audio and video equipment using one device - Symbian operated smartphone with infrared port. It's simple and intuitive. Just select the device from the list and control it using your phone's keypad. The database of supported devices is stored online and you can download new codes directly from the irRemote. You can extend the list of supported devices by uploading codes or by composing your own remote using online wizard. Your uploaded codes can be downloaded directly from irRemote and ranked by other irRemote users.
Supports air condition, AMP, CD, DVD, HiFI, Home Theatre, SAT, Tuner, TV, VCR.
Compatible with Nokia 5700, Nokia E50, Nokia E60, Nokia E61i ,Nokia E65 ,Nokia E70 ,Nokia E90 ,Nokia N73 ,Nokia N80 ,Nokia N93 ,Nokia N95 ,Nokia 6290,Nokia E51 ,Nokia E62 ,Nokia E71 ,Nokia N75, Nokia N92 ,Nokia N95 8GB and Others.Irremote
1. Psiloc irRemote for S60 3rd version Phones.sisx
Size: 351 KB
Download irRemote and turn your phone into a universal remote control.Psiloc ir remote registration
2. Psiloc irRemote for S60 1st and 2nd version Phones.sis
Psiloc Irremote Size: 322 KB
Download irRemote and turn your phone into a universal remote control.
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Psiloc Irremote 1.04 N95 Keyge Information
Psiloc Irremote 1.04 N95 Keyge was added to DownloadKeeper this week and last updated on 08-Dec-2020. New downloads are added to the member section daily and we now have 430,213 downloads for our members, including: TV, Movies, Software, Games, Music and More.
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